Sail training ship Lord Nelson lying outside the Old Quay at Campbeltown 05 June 2009. Lord Nelson is owned by the Jubilee Sailing Trust, a registered charity that owns and operates Lord Nelson and Tenacious, the only two tall ships in the world designed and built to enable people of all physical abilities to sail side-by-side as equals. More details here.
Caledonian Macbrayne's Loch Bhrusda back again on the Largs - Cumbrae service covering for a breakdown 02 June 2009. However, today's breakdown was not on the Clyde, Isle of Cumbrae (Tarbert - Portavadie) suffered mechanical problems and Loch Riddon was dispatched to cover. Following (reportedly) one of the busiest non- Bank Holiday weekends on the Cumbrae run, the benefit of having sufficient vessels to cover for breakdowns would seem apparent!
First day of summer and more road works 01 June 2009. However, these road works will affect more than just through traffic! The reconstructed pier requires(?) an upgraded electricity supply and it is estimated that it will take five weeks to run the new cable from the junction of Bath Street to the site, unfortunately directly across the ferry queue!