Cumbrae Service

An undisclosed fault caused Loch Fyne to be removed from service again on 28 June 2024.

Loch Riddon was pressed into service from a berth at Rothesay, seen here passing Loch Tarbert.

Cumbrae Service

Loch Fyne was off service again to repair a faulty seawater pump over lunchtime 27 June 2024. She later resumed service.


Clyde Marine Service's Bruiser heads for Fairlie 27 June 2024. June? Feels more like October!

The curse of the Cumbrae Service!

The curse of the Cumbrae Service strikes again 24 June 2024. An enigmatic To allow further investigations to be carried out during essential maintenance, this service will remain on a single vessel timetable. on Calmac's website, explains Loch Fyne's removal from service and apparently the toilets on Loch Tarbert are u/s! 1.5 hour's wait ex Largs and 1 hour's wait ex Cumbrae.

Cumbrae Service

All change again as Loch Fyne takes over from Loch Linnhe, which is heading west for a (currently) undisclosed destination 16 June 2024.

Loch Fyne and Loch Tarbert pass on service.

Cumbrae Service

Changes to the players once again! Loch Linnhe (with the interminably slow ramp) returns to service as Loch Bhrusda covers for Catriona on the Lochranza - Claonaig Arran service whilst in the Garvel with (more, seemingly endemic, fleet!) ramp problems 10 June 2024.

Cumbrae Service

Loch Linnhe and Loch Tarbert pass on service 06 June 2024. Apparently Loch Asbo (:-)) is due to return tomorrow.


French Leopard class training ship Guépard (A752) visited the Hunterston Channel 06 June 2024.

New Deal?

The pack has been shuffled again on the Largs-Cumbrae slip service, with Loch Linnhe replacing Loch Bhrusda, partnering Loch Tarbert 03 June 2024. Loch Bhrusda has been withdrawn for repairs in the Garvel.

Cumbrae Service

Problems with her rescue boat sidelined Loch Bhrusda with Loch Tarbert maintaining service single handed 13 May 2024. A two hour wait ex Cumbrae and somthing similar from Largs was the inevitable outcome!

Cumbrae Service

The tribulations of 2024 brings together another new pairing on the route, Loch Tarbert and Loch Bhrusda 11 May 2024.

Loch Bhrusda powers away with another full load. Even with this pairing, there was a two hour wait ex Largs!

Loch Tarbert outbound, Loch Bhrusda inbound.

STV Alba Venturer

Ocean Youth Trust's STV Alba Venturer in Largs Bay 11 May 2024.

Med Adriatic

Tanker Med Adriatic waits to head up river 06 May 2024.

Jacobite Maverick

Jacobite Maverick leaves Dochgarroch on service 09 May 2024.

Jacobite Rebel

Loch Ness excursion vessel Jacobite Rebel off service at Dochgarroch 09 May 2024.

Hua Sheng Long

Heavy lift ship Hua Sheng Long in the Moray Firth 08 May 2024.

Jacobite Queen

Currently for sale Jacobite Queen sits at the Tomnahurich Bridge 08 May 2024.

Cumbrae Service

Capacity on the Largs - Cumbrae Slip service was increased in advance of the Mayday weekend. Loch Riddon passes Loch Tarbert on service 02 May 2024.

Loch Tarbert

Loch Tarbert on Cumbrae Service 02 May 2024.

Cumbrae Service

Isle of Cumbrae was out of service for repairs again 01 May 2024. Loch Riddon continued alone.


Tanker Apache inbound for Finnart 29 April 2024. Attended by (left to right) Svitzer Hawk, Strathfoyle and Svitzer Milford. Atrocious weather!

Cumbrae Slip

Loch Riddon and Isle of Cumbrae at Cumbrae Slip 26 April 2024. Isle of Cumbrae required repairs and later resumed service.


Suezmax tanker Apache (workboat Tonka in the foreground) at Hunterston 26 April 2024. Apache was involved in a collision with a fishing vessel off Arran on 25 April 2024.


Hurtigruten's "Expedition ship" Spitsbergen in GOT 20 April 2024.

Ronja Superior

Live fish carrier Ronja Superior in JWD 20 April 2024.

Barge 1710

Serco's sullage lighter 1710U in JWD after maintenance 20 April 2024.

Loch Shira

Loch Shira in JWD awaiting fabrication of replacement parts in Poland 20 April 2024.

Soho Square

Tanker Soho Square inbound for Finnart 19 April 2024.

Largs Pier

A busy Largs Pier 19 April 2024. Loch Riddon at the South Berth, Loch Bhrusda at the inside West Berth and Isle of Cumbrae arrives on service.

Cumbrae Service

A pairing that I don't believe I have seen before, Isle of Cumbrae and Loch Bhrusda on service 17 April 2024.

NACC Indian

Cament carrier NACC Indian inbound for KGV 16 April 2024.

CMS Wrestler

Tug CMS Wrestler heads for Hunterston to assist NACC Indian 16 April 2024.

Hunterston Ops

Cemclipper takes on a load of cement from NACC Indian at Hunterston 16 April 2024. She later left for Ellesmere Port.

And then there was one... (again!)

Loch Bhrusda takes the Largs - Cumbrae Slip route following withdrawal of Loch Riddon 16 April 2024. Apparently Isle of Cumbrae is being re-deployed to assist, with the Tarbert - Portavadie Service suspended due to no available tonnage.


Rothesay ferry Bute leaves Wemyss Bay 16 April 2024. Still snow on the Arrochar Alps!

Loch Riddon

Loch Riddon heads for Rothesay 16 April 2024. More troubles for the Largs - Cumbrae route!

Ronja Viking

Live fish carrier Ronja Viking lies off the main channel 16 April 2024.


Bulk carrier Sunset outbound for Brodick Bay 16 April 2024.


Rothesay ferry Argyle approaches Wemyss Bay 16 April 2024.


Tanker Boyne inbound for Clydebank 14 April 2024.

Cumbrae Service

Loch Riddon and Loch Bhrusda pass on service 13 April 2024.

Loch Bhrusda

The now familiar growl of poorly silenced diesels echoes across Largs Bay as Loch Bhrusda gives much needed capacity on the Largs - Cumbrae Slip run 13 April 2024.

Isle of Cumbrae

Tarbert - Portavadie stalwart Isle of Cumbrae pressed into service on her maiden route, covering the absence of Loch Shira 09 April 2024.